New murmurDominic Hayes, Holly Morgan, Nigel Brown
26 November 2020
Heart block in a young manVickram Singh, Heather J Edwards, Fong T Leong
13 November 2020
Sixty-eight-year-old woman with a huge calcified aortic arch aneurysmSi Wang, Yuan Feng, Yong Peng
28 October 2020
Challenging case of J-wave syndromesQuan Minh Bui, Frederick Han, Bruno Cotter
28 October 2020
A 69-year-old woman presenting with shortness of breathRachel Xuereb, Sara Xuereb, Robert Xuereb
12 October 2020
Rare but unforgettable cause of hypotensionAna Vera Vera Marinho, Francisco Hidalgo, Manuel Pan
12 October 2020
Man in his 70s with fatigue, dyspnoea and recurrent atrial fibrillationKristopher Stephen Pfirman, Jacqueline Dawson Dowe, Deepak Gaba
25 September 2020
Atypical chest pains in a middle-aged manYudong Peng, Wei Xu, Mimamsa Khatiwada
25 September 2020
Atypical right heart failure in a septuagenarianPamela Moceri, Stéphane Lopez, Emile Ferrari
14 September 2020
Incidental identification of right atrial massGiulia Grazzini, Silvia Pradella, Vittorio Miele
14 September 2020