Eyes and the heart: what a clinician should knowJing Yong Ng, Essa Zarook, Luke Nicholson, Oculi-Cordis group, Mohammed Yunus Khanji, Choudhary Anwar Ahmed Chahal, Oculi-Cordis group, C Anwar A Chahal, Clara Vazquez-Alfageme, Eleftherios Agorogiannis, Essa Zarook, Jing Yong Ng, Lim Wei Sing, Luke Nicholson, Marcela Bohn De Albuquerque AlvesSee the full list of authors
28 July 2023
Heart Best Paper Award 2023Catherine M Otto
10 August 2023
Cost-effectiveness of a telemonitoring programme in patients with cardiovascular diseases compared with standard of careAndreas Ziegler, Alper Öner, Gisela Quadflieg, Raphael O Betschart, Alexandre Thiéry, Hugo Babel, Henry G Mwambi, Henriette Neumeyer, Steffen Mackschin, Sissy Hintz, Miriam Mann, Hermann Dittrich, Christian Schmidt
14 June 2023
Impact of clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction in patients with elevated cardiac troponinAnton Gard, Bertil Lindahl, Tomasz Baron
22 May 2023
Body mass index and survival in people with heart failureNicholas R Jones, José M Ordóñez-Mena, Andrea K Roalfe, Kathryn S Taylor, Clare R Goyder, FD Richard Hobbs, Clare J Taylor
8 June 2023
Reliability of major bleeding events in UK routine data versus clinical trial adjudicated follow-up dataCharlie Harper, Marion Mafham, William Herrington, Natalie Staplin, William Stevens, Karl Wallendszus, Richard Haynes, Martin J Landray, Sarah Parish, Louise Bowman, Jane Armitage
3 June 2023
Correction: Coronary low-attenuation plaque and high-sensitivity cardiac troponinBMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Cardiovascular Society
13 September 2023
Prevalence of angina pectoris and association with coronary atherosclerosis in a general populationKerstin Welén Schef, Per Tornvall, Joakim Alfredsson, Emil Hagström, Annica Ravn-Fischer, Stefan Soderberg, Troels Yndigegn, Tomas Jernberg
23 May 2023
Impact on stable chest pain pathways of CT fractional flow reserveRachel A O'Leary, Julie Burn, Samuel G Urwin, Andrew J Sims, Anna Beattie, Alan Bagnall
20 April 2023
Habitual physical activity levels of adults with heart failure: systematic review and meta-analysisCara Jordan, Sarah J Charman, Alan Mark Batterham, Darren Flynn, David Houghton, Linda Errington, Guy MacGowan, Leah Avery
27 February 2023